Join us

Join the Association to support the artists residencies and other events we organize during the year to promote cultural heritage and arts.


- Young friends (<25): €20.00
Young Friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. Friends will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association.
- Friends: €50.00
Friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. Friends will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association.
- Friends duo: €80.00
Friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. Friends will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association.
- Good friends: €300.00
Good friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. They will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association. In addition, they will be invited to our annual cocktail and to previews of exhibition and special sales.
- Excellent friends: €1,500.00
Excellent friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. They will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association. In addition, they will be invited to both our annual cocktail and dinner. In addition to previews of exhibition and special sales.
- Amazing friends: €5,000.00
Amazing friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. They will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association. In addition, they will have the right to use a suite at the Château des Cologny for a weekend at the time of the artists residency.
- Forever friends: €20,000.00
Forever friends receive a dedicate newsletter and are invited to all events organized by the association. They will be invited to preview events of exhibitions and to the annual event to announce the program of the association. In addition, they will have the right to use a suite at the Château des Cologny for a week at the time of the artists residency.